Indian politics, as we perceive it today, is the graveyard of morals, ethics, patriotism and most other qualities the leaders of a nation should possess. There have been innumerable uproars on the issue of tainted ministers at the state and national level. Politics been coupled inseparably with the adjective ‘dirty’. Most politicians of the nation misuse their authority to exploit the nation and fill their own pockets with enormous sums of money. The possession of the chair is perhaps the top priority of most politicians of India today. They indulge in blame games and create unprecedented scandals in the after math of these political games. The image of politicians has gone from bad to worse in the recent years following mammothian revelations regarding the corruption. The pious field of leadership has received several blotches which are certainly indelible. The worst part of the whole scenario of Indian politics was that nobody was ready to volunteer to make a change which was much needed. Nobody stepped forward to clean the machinery that fuelled, propelled and guided the whole nation. The intellectuals and moral policemen derived pleasure in only finding flaws with the system and blaming the politicians for the sorry state of affairs. We, the Indians, had forgotten that the best way to bring about changes is by setting examples. Patriotism had taken a back-seat in our daily life as selfish individualistic, communal and regional interests surfaced at the foreground, forming the core of our daily actions and thoughts.
Though the darkness of corruption and immorality still lingers in the world of politics, a new dawn has broken. A new breed of politicians has come to fore. These young and dynamic politicians represent the countenance of the new India. They represent what the new generation of Indians is like- confident, patriotic, self-less and aggressive. Though the number of such people is considerably small, they have made indentations in the field which was thought to be impenetrable for the people who really desired to lead the way for other Indians. These people have shown the way which thousands, or maybe millions, of Indians will follow in the near future. More importantly, these people have shown that the state of Indian politics can change only if the responsible citizens of India decide to sacrifice their white-collar jobs, their personal interests and all bonds which tie them down to the materialistic world and dedicate themselves fully to this noble cause. They have highlighted the golden rule that actions always speak louder than words. These people acted upon their inner call. They had the courage to carry out the ideas they had in their mind, despite the fact that they faced numerous hurdles in the process.
Inspired by these zealous young men and troubled by the condition of the Indian politics, a leading newspaper has launched a hunt for the most able leader of India. The hunt is labeled “Lead India” contest by the organizers. The people who have been short-listed so far promise to be efficient leaders with a strong conscience and responsible shoulders to carry the burden of the nation effectively. The idea of this contest is innovative as well as much needed considering the current times. Able leaders have been a rarity in the recent times. If one person out of a county of one billion gets an opportunity to move to the top of the current political system and have his say in the decisions of the nation, then it will definitely inspire and guide many more people to tread the same path. There is no deficiency of zeal in the youngsters of today, neither do they lack courage. The only problem with the current generation is that they do not know the correct way to follow. This contest will open up new doors and expand the vista of opportunities for the young men. The energy contained within the new generation of Indians can be tapped in the right direction with this innovative step. A simple contest to search a person who has the potential to become an eminent leader in the near future might seem to be too small a step in context with something as enormous as the Indian politics, but it is a step nonetheless. It might not have immediate impact on the politics but in the long run, the ramifications of this contest might be huge. Hopefully, the consequences of this contest will be positive. Despite all the positives that might come out of this contest, there is a certain risk factor involved in it. There is no guarantee that the person chosen after such a rigorous selection process will get a chance to contest elections at the national level. The person who is supposed to lead India and shine like a star in the dark sphere of politics might very well be lost in oblivion with time. The fate of the chosen one can be similar to many people, even alumni of IITs and IIMs, who gave up all pleasures to serve the nation by joining politics but ended up being restricted to being just another inconspicuous political party with a disappointingly small number of members. This question cannot be answered at this point of time. At this point, all we can hope is that this contest proves to be a milestone in the growth of Indian politics.
One of the most obvious facts of the contemporary world is that India needs another revolution to transfer the control of authority on the nation from the throes of corrupt politicians to the hands of the people who think of India as their motherland. If “Lead India” contest is a spark that can change into a revolution in the near future, then we must support it with all our might. If not, then we must conjure up all the courage we can and take steps which can hit the current politics hard and create an impact which can alter many things in the long run. We are the people who are responsible for the nation and its politics. It is up to us what we decide to do with our nation. We can stand at the sides and watch the country self-destruct or we can lend a helping hand in re-constructing the golden bird which had lost its shine over a long period of subjugation. It is our decision, this is our nation.
Hi, Pratyush! I came across your blog while searching for other bloggers interested in Indian politics. I agree there is a need for us to take our political future into our own hands. However, this requires intelligence, persistence and a never-say-die spirit. Do we have it in us? Can we combine an active involvement in political life with professional/work involvements and a family life? What do you think?
Dude..we have the same fire..i feel exactly the same way about our so called "leaders" (if at all they can be called so). I totally agree with you..but about this contest. Dude do you really think that this contest has been organized to find a leader. I serioulsy doubt that. Its just another money making and TRP hunt rather than a leader hunt. I think so because I don't believe any show can be seriuosly thinking about finding a leader which gets the biggets bastard fo Indian politics Lalu Yadav as a guest judge. Who the hell is he to decide who is going to be a future leader. The reason he was there because he attracts TRP and thats all Times is looking for..not for a leader.
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